The Standard Stance

Ind AS 115: Are You a Principal or an Agent?

The Standard Stance - Ind AS 115: Are You a Principal or an Agent?

The Standard Stance - Ind AS 115: Are You a Principal or an Agent?

The      Accounting Advisory Services (AAS) team at BDO India is pleased to share, 'THE STANDARD STANCE' - An expert insight into key accounting matters. Each monthly issue of the publication spotlights and discusses a key accounting matter noteworthy for organisations to stay ahead in their business journeys.

This issue of THE STANDARD STANCE, 'IND AS 115: ARE YOU A PRINCIPAL OR AN AGENT?', delves into the technical aspects of principal versus agent assessment as per Ind AS 115 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”.

In today’s dynamic business environment, with the rise of digital and platform business models, it is becoming increasingly complex to determine whether an entity is a principal or an agent. Where another party is involved, this identification often requires significant judgment and a detailed analysis of the specific facts and circumstances. This publication discusses the technical aspects of this assessment as per Ind AS 115 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” and provides some illustrative examples to help entities navigate this complex determination.


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