Complex Financial Instruments

Expert advisory for navigating complex accounting implications


Companies are increasingly entering into complex financial-instrument-related transactions. It is common to see start-ups and even large companies issuing various types of exotic convertible instruments, entering hedging relationships or exploring derivatives. It is important to understand the accounting implications of such transactions and ensure that their impact on the company’s balance sheet and profit and loss is accurate and well understood prior to entering such transactions. 

With significant domain knowledge and experience, our experts are poised to assist companies right from the time the broad contour of the proposed transaction is conceived to the impact on the financial statements and required disclosures. 

How BDO India Can Help

Our AAS team can support companies with advisory on:

  • Debt vs Equity classification of financial instruments
  • Hedge accounting, including preparation of the hedge documentation
  • Assessing the expected credit loss on financial assets
  • Accounting implications of securitisation transactions
  • Assessing embedded derivatives

How BDO India Can Help

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