Post Merger Integration

Integration planning that increases the chances of post-merger success


Signing on the dotted line is not the completion of the transaction for acquirers; it is just the beginning of the most important, complex, and intricate process of value realisation known as integration.

In any M&A integration, it is hard to achieve strategic, operational, and financial success. That is why businesses are looking for a strategic M&A integration advisor to help achieve the desired outcome. Acquirers often overlook integration in the early stages of M&A and early planning is pertinent for the deal to generate value. Traditional 100-day planning is no longer enough; a business needs to be ready with a comprehensive value-creation plan 30 days before the deal signing.

Comprising M&A specialists and functional and industry experts, we partner with businesses through the integration journey, right from planning to stakeholder management at the ground level.

How BDO India Can Help

  • Integration blueprint and playbook: strategy, guiding principles and vision alignment to capture deal value
  • Integration management office: Establish governance and cadence to track, monitor and report the progress of integration initiatives to management
  • Develop Day 1, Day 100, long-term plans and build functional (HR, IT, supply chain, legal, procurement, etc.) checklists
  • Synergy analysis through initiative and target identification, detailed milestone planning, benefits verification, and reporting
  • Change management programmes to drive cultural changes and integrations that motivate, retain and excite employees
  • Design interim and future operating models for integrated entity
  • Integration of due diligence to identify gaps in operating and business models, assess key risks and chalk out post-deal value creation opportunities

How BDO India Can Help

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